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When supporting a loved one new to hearing aids, remember that this adjustment will be a learning process. It will take time for your loved one to adjust to hearing noise again. Know the expectations. Hearing devices do not guarantee perfect hearing as it once was. With hearing loss, there will still be some difficulty. However, hearing devices will allow your loved one to experience better hearing and quality of life. Be patient and understanding throughout this process.
Supporting a Loved One with Hearing Devices: Resources
Be patient.
It can be challenging and frustrating to adjust to new hearing aids. Allow your loved one the time to adjust, and recognize that this process will be worth it in the long run.
Offer a listening ear.
Your loved one with hearing loss might need to vent their frustrations, and you can offer empathy and moral support during particularly tough days.
Help them practice.
It is important to practice and experiment with new hearing devices so the brain can re-learn how to recognize and prioritize sound. To help, try reading the newspaper or a book out loud to your loved one as they read along silently. Encourage them to experiment with sound levels and different listening environments.
Participate in appointments.
Your loved one will likely need to make at least one or two follow-up visits to the audiologist to have his or her hearing aids adjusted. Having you there can be useful for any lingering questions.
Learn more about hearing loss and discuss the benefits of hearing aids.
Research hearing loss, hearing aids, and hearing aid accessories. It is important to know and understand what your loved one is going through and how these devices benefit them.
Supporting a Loved One with Hearing Devices: Text
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